What Every Parent Needs To Know

Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection, cultivate effective healthier communication based in love, care and mutual respect.

Katherine has helped thousands of parents
create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that improve communication and respect.

What Every Parent Needs To Know

Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that improve communication and respect.

Katherine has helped thousands of parents
create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that improve communication and respect.

Parents and instructors may be alarmed by a teenager's aggressive behaviour. To stop the problem from worsening and harming the youngster or others, it is crucial to take immediate action. Here are some suggestions for reducing teenagers' aggressive behaviour, especially in a school environment:

How to Stop Aggressive Behaviour in Teenagers

Recognize the cause: Stress, anxiety, sadness, trauma, or substance misuse are just a few of the causes of aggressive behaviour. Try to identify the root of your son's hostility and take the appropriate action. To identify the underlying cause of a rapid shift in behaviour, seek professional assistance.

Establish a secure and encouraging environment for your son: Provide your son with a secure and encouraging environment where he can freely express his feelings and ideas. Let him know that you are there to assist him and to encourage honest dialogue. By making him feel heard and understood, you can lessen the likelihood that he will act aggressively.

Teach your son to appropriate coping mechanisms for handling his emotions, such as deep breathing, exercising, or keeping a journal. Encourage him to take part in enjoyable activities and discover relaxing methods that suit him. This can assist him in effectively managing his emotions and lessen his propensity for aggressive conduct.

Establish firm boundaries: Outline the rules for your son's behaviour and the repercussions for breaching them. He will be better able to comprehend what is expected of him and the effects of his actions as a result. Consistently enforce the consequences and make sure they are appropriate.

Encourage positive behaviour: Praise and encourage your son when he behaves positively, such as when he expresses his emotions in a mature and respectful manner or asks an adult he trusts for assistance when he is feeling overwhelmed. Celebrate his accomplishments and express your pride in him.

Working with the school will help you develop a strategy to deal with your son's aggressive conduct if he exhibits it at school. Meetings with administrators or school counsellors may be necessary, and a behaviour plan or counselling sessions may also be part of this. Maintain open lines of communication and cooperate to ensure your son's success.

A therapist or counsellor can provide expert assistance if your son's hostility is serious or ongoing. They can aid in figuring out the underlying problems and creating a strategy to deal with the behaviour. They can help you and your son by offering encouragement and direction.

Always keep in mind that treating aggressive behavior in adolescents requires time and effort. Be persistent, kind, and patient. If required, get expert assistance. Your son can develop positive behavior and learn to control his emotions in a healthy way with the correct assistance and intervention.

This may be the most profound journey you will ever take. Katherine is a brilliant orator, an empath, a motivator, a friend, a mentor and an inspiration.

Satisfied Parents Worldwide

Cindy Miller Stephens

Katherine changed my life, my relationship with my children, my family and most importantly - myself.

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Some of the topics Katherine covers include:

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3 Mistakes Every Parent Makes
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The Rebellion is Here
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3xTEDx Speaker

Katherine Winter-Sellery is one of the creators of the Guidance Approach to Parenting, a program that applies conflict resolution skills to communicating more effectively with children.

Through her popular workshops, TEDx talks, and her book, she has taught thousands of parents (and educators, social workers, medical professionals, and anyone else needing to converse with 5-year-olds to 95-year-old children) in a half dozen countries and cultures.

Her aim is to minimize misunderstandings and melt-downs and communicate with more collaboration, cooperation, and consideration.

Her methods have positively influenced relationships for generations and brought about healing and reconciliation in families that were suffering from disconnection.

Katherine Winter-Sellery is one of the creators of the Guidance Approach to Parenting, a program that applies conflict resolution skills to communicating more effectively with children.

Through her popular workshops, TEDx talks, and her book, she has taught thousands of parents (and educators, social workers, medical professionals, and anyone else needing to converse with 5-year-olds to 95-year-old children) in a half dozen countries and cultures.

Her aim is to minimize misunderstandings and melt-downs and communicate with more collaboration, cooperation, and consideration.

Her methods have positively influenced relationships for generations and brought about healing and reconciliation in families that were suffering from disconnection.

About Katherine

Speaking Engagement

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