What Every Parent Needs To Know

Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection, cultivate effective healthier communication based in love, care and mutual respect.

Katherine has helped thousands of parents
create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that improve communication and respect.

What Every Parent Needs To Know

Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that improve communication and respect.

Katherine has helped thousands of parents
create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that improve communication and respect.

Strong emotions are typical in children, and rage is among the hardest of these emotions for parents to handle. Some kids seem to lose their tempers quite easily, which can be challenging to control and create challenging circumstances for both the child and the parents. In this post, we'll look at several potential causes for your child's propensity for angry outbursts and offer some advice on how to handle an angry yet stubborn child. 

Your youngster may be prone to angry outbursts for a variety of reasons. Here are a few of the most widespread:

Age: Very young children may not yet have the emotional development necessary to handle their emotions in a calm and regulated manner. Anger may develop more readily in kids who are frustrated with their surroundings, their toys, or their interactions with other kids or adults.

Lack of sleep or rest: Your youngster may be more likely to become upset or angry if they are hungry or fatigued.

Lack of control: Children may be more likely to have angry outbursts as a way of expressing their displeasure if they feel as though they have no control over their lives or their surroundings.

Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is one behavioural disorder that certain children may have that increases their propensity for angry outbursts.

My child is very short tempered

It might be difficult and frustrating if your youngster is prone to becoming irate. Here are some pointers for dealing with an obstinate kid that has a temper problem:

When your child is acting out in anger, it's crucial to maintain your composure. The problem can worsen if you start to feel irritated or disturbed.

Assurance of their feelings - Tell your youngster that you are aware of their feelings. You may say something like, "I can tell that right now, you're feeling incredibly angry. That must be difficult.

Give your child options: Giving your child options can make them feel more in control of the situation. You might ask, "Would you like to take a break or talk about what's bothering you?" as an illustration.

Clearly define your child's acceptable and unacceptable behaviour by establishing clear boundaries. Your expectations should be unambiguous and consistent.

Use constructive criticism to help your child learn to regulate their anger and behave responsibly. When they do, be sure to thank and praise them for their efforts.

Get expert assistance: If your child's angry outbursts are frequent or are causing issues at home or at school, getting professional assistance from a therapist or counsellor may be beneficial.

To sum up, it might be difficult for any parent to deal with a stubborn youngster who is prone to being upset. You can assist your child in learning to regulate their emotions in a healthy and acceptable way by remaining calm, recognizing your child's feelings, providing choices, setting limits, utilizing positive reinforcement, and getting professional help if necessary.

How to handle a stubborn child who is prone to yelling

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3xTEDx Speaker

Katherine Winter-Sellery is one of the creators of the Guidance Approach to Parenting, a program that applies conflict resolution skills to communicating more effectively with children.

Through her popular workshops, TEDx talks, and her book, she has taught thousands of parents (and educators, social workers, medical professionals, and anyone else needing to converse with 5-year-olds to 95-year-old children) in a half dozen countries and cultures.

Her aim is to minimize misunderstandings and melt-downs and communicate with more collaboration, cooperation, and consideration.

Her methods have positively influenced relationships for generations and brought about healing and reconciliation in families that were suffering from disconnection.

Katherine Winter-Sellery is one of the creators of the Guidance Approach to Parenting, a program that applies conflict resolution skills to communicating more effectively with children.

Through her popular workshops, TEDx talks, and her book, she has taught thousands of parents (and educators, social workers, medical professionals, and anyone else needing to converse with 5-year-olds to 95-year-old children) in a half dozen countries and cultures.

Her aim is to minimize misunderstandings and melt-downs and communicate with more collaboration, cooperation, and consideration.

Her methods have positively influenced relationships for generations and brought about healing and reconciliation in families that were suffering from disconnection.

About Katherine

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