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Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

How to Become an Awesome Parenting Partner

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Whether you parent with a partner who sleeps next to you at night, co-parent with an ex, or even share the responsibility of raising your kid with Grandma or Grandpa, those relationships have their ups and downs. Parenting is fraught with daily stresses, and our conversations can very easily sound like this: Didn’t I tell […]


If I Ever Have Kids, I’ll Never…

Pexels Emma Bauso 2253879


At some point in our lives, we’ve all said this line when talking about our less-than-perfect childhoods: If I ever have kids, I’ll never…… ….make them feel like they’re less than enough….yell at them in the middle of the grocery store…lash out or make unreasonable rules None of us want to repeat the mistakes our […]

The real reason your child doesn’t listen to you.

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Dear Katherine, Control. Do you feel yourself longing for it lately? When life feels uncertain, we often respond by grasping for control in any way possible. You hyperfocus on cleaning up the house. You micromanage a project at work. You criticize your spouse for the way they do…just about anything. And you try to get […]


Ask Katherine: My kids won’t stand up for themselves 

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Dear Katherine, My children are the targets of bullying on social media. These bullies make up rumors and spread lies about my kids, and I can see the effects of this cruelty weighing on them. I have ideas for confronting the bullies, but my kids don’t want to talk about the situation at all. I want […]

Ask Katherine: What If I’m Not Perfect?

Dear Katherine, My husband and I are working on our parenting and have realized that many of the changes that need to occur in our family start with us.  We have much to learn about our own needs and behaviors, but as we put in the work, how realistic is it for us to expect […]


Ask Katherine: Are the 3 Rs Inevitable?


Dear Katherine, You talk about eliminating the 3 Rs (resistance, rebellion, retaliation) through conscious parenting. But don’t you think the 3 Rs are inevitable?  Why is overcoming them so crucial, and is it even possible to put an end to them completely?  Sincerely, It Feels Impossible Hey there, It Feels Impossible! I love this question. […]

Ask Katherine: My Daughter Is Spoiled

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How Not To Raise A Spoiled Brat? Are You Raising a Spoiled Child? Tips for helping them grow up to be healthy, generous, and loving in turn.


Dear Katherine: My Son Shuts Down After School

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Dear Katherine, When I pick my son up from school, he seems to shut down completely. I ask him about his day, and he gives me one-word answers or responds, “I don’t know,” to my questions.  He’s definitely prone to anxiety, but I’m worried about how down he seems when he gets home.  How can […]

Dear Katherine: My Kids Love Video Games—Should I Be Concerned?

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Dear Katherine, My kids love playing video games. They seem to take genuine pleasure in this activity, and while they’re occupied, I have a chance to do household chores and enjoy a little time to myself. I know there are better hobbies out there—but if they like gaming and it gives me a bit of space, […]


Dear Katherine: Did I Go Too Far Trying to Meet My Son’s Needs?

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Dear Katherine, My 5-year-old LOVES sleeping with Mom and Dad at night. When we aren’t together, he says things like, “I’m so alone in this house,” which breaks my heart. When he began coming into our room at night, we tried to send him back to bed. But eventually, I recognized that he has an […]