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Katherine has helped thousands of parents create stronger relationships with their kids with strategies that create deeper connection.
Read about some of them here on our blog.

6 tips for transforming power struggles into parent-child collaborations

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Hello, Conscious Parent! Welcome to “Dear Katherine,” a Q&A with real-life parents/caregivers. If you’d like to submit a question of your own, email me at Dear Katherine, I am a mother to a lovely, zany, strong-willed 8-year-old girl. I love her to smithereens, but sometimes it feels like we’re in a constant power struggle. […]


It Takes a Village…

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As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” He also encouraged his followers to come together and create that change. What if I told you that effecting positive change at home is no different? That to become a more conscious parent, you need a community of […]

Independence Is for Everyone—Including Kids!

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Here in the United States, we celebrate our national Independence Day on the 4th of July.  This festive holiday is associated with summer, family and friends coming together, barbecues, and fireworks—all to commemorate the day our country was born.  As we celebrate our country’s freedom, let’s not forget that as individuals, we have the same […]


Is Your Tank Running On Empty?

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Are you overextending yourself to meet your family’s needs? Do you feel trapped in an exhausting juggling act with no end in sight? It’s time to take a step back and practice some self-care.  Parents, we live in extremely stressful times. But prioritizing everyone else’s needs at the expense of our own isn’t the answer. […]

Are You Stressed? Your Kids are Probably Feeling It, Too

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Lauren Fulkerson is a US-trained pediatrician and mother of four. As an expat living in Hong Kong, Lauren met Katherine at a school event and immediately knew that the Guidance Approach to Parenting was how she wanted to parent her children. She joined Katherine as a parenting coach at the Conscious Parenting Revolution in 2020. […]


What’s Fair about a Chocolate Bar?

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All people must be treated equally—including children. But when you’re dealing with kids of different ages, interests, and personalities; it can be difficult to make decisions without having one (or all) of them storm off yelling, “But it’s not fair!” Let’s take the example of “The Chocolate Bar.”  Suppose two kids are given a chocolate […]

Dear Katherine: My son and his stepfather are no longer speaking

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Hello, Conscious Parent! This is the first installment of “Dear Katherine,” a letter written in response to a real-life question from an anonymous parent/caregiver. If you’d like to submit a question of your own, email me at  Dear Katherine: My teenage son had a massive falling out with my husband, his stepfather. My husband […]


You are not alone – Celebrating mental health awareness month

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Each year, an average of 150,000 American lives are lost to drug, alcohol, and suicide-related causes.  At the height of the pandemic last year, substance-abuse deaths increased a devastating 18%, christening 2020 the “deadliest year in drug history.” If there’s one thing these numbers tell us, it’s that many of us feel alone. May is […]

5 Reasons Your Family Needs a Daily Routine

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We live in an ever-changing world. Even in our small family units, change is constant: we get new jobs, move to different houses, shift from face-to-face learning to school-from-home, switch babysitters, have another child. Although change is a necessary part of life, it can be a stressful experience for children (and adults too!).  A daily […]


Busting the “bad kid” myth once and for all

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What’s wrong with these statements? Spare the rod and spoil the elderly. Millenials should be seen and not heard. New Zealanders have got to learn. If you’re cringing right now, it’s because you know that these statements are unfairly biased and even prejudiced. So why are we okay with using these same phrases to describe […]